Hello everybody, At long last, Tradesy 1.0 (build 0.240229) is publicly released. Here are the notable changes since the prior build seven months ago: - Tradesy now initially operates in trial mode, and a “Buy & Activate…” menu command affords purchasing and registration. When not registered Tradesy imposes some limitations (adjusted cost base and capital gains amounts are hidden from several views, and exported portfolio data are limited to the first 50 rows). - A few bugs are fixed, including one where mousing over the equity overview performance graph would show the wrong percentage change in the tooltip. - A sample Tradesy workspace is provided, and can be opened by choosing “Help → Open Sample Document”. - The User’s Guide is bundled and accessible from “Help → Tradesy User’s Guide”. - Several debugging-related features (network activity window, cache settings, and random portfolio population) are now hidden by default. They can be re-enabled by running the command "defaults write ca.zygoat.Tradesy diagnosticToolsEnabled -bool true" in Terminal, and then relaunching. - Future pre-release builds will be excluded by default when checking for updates. To keep getting them, go to “Tradesy → Settings…” and turn on the “Update to pre-release versions” checkbox. - MacOS 12.0 (Monterey) or newer is now required due to changes for supporting the Mac App Store, where Tradesy may or may not also become available. (The build has been hamstrung in the typical Apple review cycle for more than a week now.) As my thanks for enduring my messages on this mailing list over the past year or two, I invite you to visit https://www.zygoat.ca/tradesy/buy/free (or add coupon code "FREEMONEY" at checkout) to receive a 100% discount and get your registration key to reactivate Tradesy. cheers, -ben