Tradesy update (batch analysis, date fixes, better graphs)

Hey gents, It's been a few weeks since I last furnished a Tradesy update, so please find the latest attached! Here are the salient news: - Overview and history graphs show calendar time/day delineations, a reference line for previous close price, and a percentage axis. - Date range limitations are handled more smoothly. In cases where the Yahoo API doesn't support a request (e.g. one-minute interval data older than 30 days), the next-best alternative is automatically chosen. - Batch strategy analysis now works, initially featuring a choice of three batching methods. - Added one-week interval support, and deleted several that didn't work. - Watchlist refreshing is more efficient. - Performance improvements in the graphs. - Fixed a crash that could occur after reporting an error from the network. - "Scenarios" tabs renamed to "Strategy". Those annoying "data not available" alerts should now largely be a thing of the past. If you happen to run in to any, please let me know. I've basically been working around Yahoo's API limitations as I encounter them. The batch scenario (er, strategy) thing is finally implemented in rudimentary form! This stuff, of course, speaks to the initial motivation for writing Tradesy. There's surely a lot of scope for improvement and expansion here; as usual, any/all thoughts are more than welcome. I think I've shared this link with you all before, but just in case, a quick wiki I started in order to document Tradesy's provenance and particulars: I still need to update it with the latest, and eventually will move it to a proper web site. Pretty soon I also want to implement an automatic software update thing to make this more scalable and so that you can update at your leisure, but in the mean time, I figured a group email was the best way to distribute this. (Lemme know if you want off!) Thanks for playing and let's get rich, b Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""
participants (1)
Ben Kennedy