Greetings all,
The first Doggiebox 1.0.2 beta release is available this afternoon to
registered users, downloadable at
Please note two things:
1. Subsequent beta builds will be announced (and discussed) on the
Doggiebox general discussion list, doggiebox(a)
2. The beta program is available to all licensed users. If you have not
yet registered your copy of Doggiebox, doing so will allow you to use
this and subsequent pre-release builds.
This build (1A10) includes some bug fixes and minor improvements; details
are included in the accompanying release notes.
Version 1.0.1 is still the current release for all users, also available
on the web site as usual.
Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628
Greetings all,
Doggiebox version 1.0.1 is ready for download at
New in this version:
- Added command-H key equivalent to hide the application, by popular
demand. :)
- Fixed bug where tempo icons were sometimes being drawn upside-down in
the pattern properties sheet.
- Brought the user's guide up to date with the current feature set.
- Implemented registration incentives for non-licensed users.
(Also, the web site has received a face lift, wheee!)
The licence cost will remain at $29 USD until version 1.1, by which time
there should be even more fun and useful features.
Work in the immediate and near future will now focus on:
- undo functionality
- better control over exporting, to alleviate clipping problems
- drag-and-drop editing
- dynamics controls
- enhanced sequencing/structuring tools, as recently discussed here on
the list
Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628