Hello everyone,
Doggiebox 2.0, released today, is a significant update to Zygoat's percussion sequencing (drum machine) software for the Mac. This long-awaited update brings a number of new features, improvements and bug fixes, including:
- Improvements to song editing and playback, including new contextual menus, drag-and-drop, and playhead control.
- A live recording mode for drum input using the keyboard or a MIDI device.
- Support for sound files of arbitrary audio sample rate and bit depth.
- A re-designed drum kit editor.
- Better and more automated drum kit reconciliation when switching kits in a song.
- Automatic software updating.
A much more detailed list of changes can be found at <http://www.doggiebox.com/news.php>.
Doggiebox costs USD $39, and is available now at <http://www.doggiebox.com>. Upgrading from version 1.x is free for users who purchased Doggiebox after 2009. A free trial version can be downloaded at <http://www.doggiebox.com/download.php>.
Doggiebox 2.0 requires Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or later; Mac OS X 10.6 or 10.7 is recommended.
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Ben Kennedy, chief magician
Zygoat Creative Technical Services